Monday, January 24, 2022

Episode 129: What Anjali Does In the Shadows...

Taking a listen to the latest album from ANJALI ROSE titled 'Shadow Works' which can be found HERE ON BANDCAMP. We talk about fairytales, European tour stories, doing things ourselves, and trying to make it work in NYC. 
1. Beautiful - Anjali Rose 
2. Walking Around - Anjali Rose 
3. Are You Here - Anjali Rose 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Episode 128: Adam Doesn't Even Think of Us (That Often)

Talking with Adam about his latest tribute album that breathes some new and different life into the spirit of Leonard Cohen on the 5th anniversary of his passing. Adam is yet another victim of taking a project into his own hands, tracking down collaborators, and making his ideas a reality. We also get a little crash course on who Leonard Cohen was and his impact on songwriting. 
Listen to Adam's tribute album by CLICKING THIS LINK
1. Chelsea Hotel #2 - Adam Tilzer 
2. Who By Fire - Adam Tilzer & Ellajay 
3. Dance Me to the End of Love - Adam Tilzer & Paola Bennet